Celebrating Women in Science: A force for Change

Women have made major contributions to scientific research and major discoveries throughout history. From Marie Curie, the first person to win two Nobel Prizes for her work on radioactivity, to Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, the co-recipients of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing the CRISPR-Cas gene-editing tool, women have shown remarkable creativity, curiosity and courage in advancing human knowledge.
The automotive industry as well is not to be outdone: in this field women have also made discoveries that have transformed the sector, such as Stephanie Kwolek, the chemist who discovered the polymer that led to the creation of Kevlar, a material that is five times stronger than steel and resistant to heat, corrosion, and wear that is widely used in automotive applications.
But despite their remarkable discoveries, women still face many challenges and barriers in the scientific world.
According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, women represent just 33.3% of researchers globally, and their work rarely gains the recognition it deserves. Less than 4% of Nobel Prizes for science have ever been awarded to women, and only 11% of senior research roles are held by women in Europe. Women also face gender bias, discrimination, harassment, and a lack of mentorship and support in their careers. These factors contribute to the ‘leaky pipeline’ phenomenon, where women drop out of science at higher rates than men at every stage of the career ladder.
Driving the change at ACC
At ACC, we believe that women in science are a force for change. We have plenty of women scientists in a wide variety of applications and professions, from biotechnology and nanotechnology to chemistry, environmental engineering and computer physics. As the world hurtles towards a future threatened by climate change, we want to recognize them and promote their achievements.
Four of these amazing women have accepted to answer our questions and explain what led them to sciences, how they got to where they are now and which difficulty they found on their way. They’ve also shared some advice to other young women eager to follow their example.
Click on their image below to discover their testimony !
We want to support girls and women who are committed to science today. That’s why we are offering scholarships, internships, mentoring programs, and networking opportunities for women in ACC, as well as promoting a culture of diversity, inclusion, and excellence in our organization.
Women in science bring new perspectives, insights, and solutions to the most pressing challenges of our time. They are not only role models for the next generation of scientists, but also agents of social change and global development.
So whether you’re a technician, engineer, or doctor, come and join us in our mission to transform sustainable mobility through science!