Battery innovation days: a conference to build together tomorrow’s European battery industry

After a successful first edition, the second Battery Innovation Days event came back this year! The event took place on 13 & 14 September in Brussels and was relayed online for a unique hybrid experience. ACC, as a strong player in the IPCEI, and elected representative of the participants, contributed in the organization of the event and in the choice of speakers. We were pleased to count more than 800 participants on and offline.
The Battery Innovation Days is not a traditional exhibition. It was created, in partnership with the Batteries 1st and 2nd IPCEIs, to foster dialogue among the key European Research communities (Batteries Europe, Battery 2030+ and the Batteries European Partnership Association), Policy makers, Industry players and end-users. The objectives? To increase knowledge, develop the collaboration, and create together a successful roadmap for the European battery market.
How can Europe become autonomous? What innovations in battery technologies, cells design, manufacturing or recycling can we rely on? What are our priorities in terms of research and innovation? How can we build a more responsible battery value chain together? These were some of the questions we’ve tried to answer during these two days.
Philippe Desprez, in his quality of Simulation & Tests Expert and Academic Relations Manager at ACC took part to the panel table “Getting Europe Ready for manufacturing”. His intervention, as well as the others, are available on the Battery Innovation Days Youtube Channel.
Watch the replay of the roundtable online: