Building a European automotive battery industry that's better for us
ACC’s mission is to accelerate the transition to sustainable and affordable mobility for all, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our objective is to innovate and deliver high-performing cells and modules, while helping to drive the industrial and environmental transition to cleaner mobility.
A holistic approach to battery production
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach is rooted in analysis of the battery lifecycle, which identifies our main environmental and social impacts. We take a holistic view of the expectations of our stakeholders – the authorities, our clients, our employees, elected representatives, local communities and Non-Governmental Organisations (“NGOs”). These are the main challenges we’ve identified.
The Challenges we face
On the road to a cleaner mobility
We’ve identified the themes through which we can have the greatest impact - the four pillars of our CSR vision. Several strategies support these pillars and will help us achieve our goals. With our policies, they determine the rules that we, and the people we work with, live by.

Our vision: The 4 pillars of our CSR approach
Design and develop ever more efficient and environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes and products.
Adopt a circular model, designing products that can be repurposed, repaired, reused, or recycled.
Set up and maintain a fair, transparent and sustainable supply chain that reduces our ongoing environmental impact.
Actively and continuously reduce the environmental impact of battery cells and modules at each stage of their lifecycle.
Contributing to develop & strengthen a highly skilled workforce for cells manufacturing with adequate training, re-skilling & upskilling.
Fostering motivation and engagement-friendly environment.
Help reindustrialize and develop a sustainable European battery ecosystem.
Share all non-IP-protected learnings with the industry and the scientific community.
Putting the wheels into motion
Our two priority areas of action
Continuously reduce greenhouse gas emissions at source.
Reduce our batteries' carbon footprint from cradle to grave, with a focus on the carbon footprint of our suppliers.
Eco-design our industrial processes and our products.
Reduce and optimize our energy consumption in real-time, and use decarbonized sources of energy as much as possible.
Optimize transport & logistics.
Set high environmental, social and ethical requirements for our suppliers.
Build a transparent and traceable supply chain.
Ensure that our suppliers respect our requirements.
Treat our suppliers fairly and respectfully.
Act with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
Promote fair operating practices in all countries and regions where we have a presence.
Conduct our activities in accordance with the highest ethical and professional standards, as stated in our Codes of Conduct.
Contribute to a circular economy.
Limit environmental impact at source.
Use the EU Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREFs) to maximize environmental protection.
Environmental management system (ISO 14001 certification).
Brown field approach - supporting the conversion of existing industrial sites.
Preserve water resources.
Life cycle approach.
Continuous Improvement Approach.
CSR aspects in our other corporate policies
Promote diversity within our teams.
Develop our talent by organizing regular training in our future factories.
Build a motivating, engaging work environment with a strong focus on the quality of life at work.
Improving health and safety standards in our workplaces.
Raise awareness and train employees in CSR.
Guarantee fair marketing practices.
Promote sustainable consumption.
Ensure data protection & privacy.
Develop a sustainable and profitable industrial and academic ecosystem.
Share the results of our R&D with the scientific community to help European partners to grow at the same time.
Forge partnerships in areas such as recycling and mapping research and higher education establishments.
Boost local economies.
Let's move
the way
we move

As a company whose entire purpose is to have a positive impact on the environment, CSR is a big priority for ACC and goes right to the core of our mission. That’s why our CSR strategy is embedded at each and every stage of our production.
Yann Vincent